Proper availment of the eligible subsidies and incentives may lend liquidity
and provide the much-needed breathing space to new projects.
New projects and business are the engines of growth for any economy. They create economic opportunities, generate employment and help in the overall upliftment of the society. Collective effort of the various stakeholders is needed to create an ecosystem which would enable an entrepreneur to reach his full potential.
The Central government, to its credit, has introduced policies providing monetary stimulus to attract various industries, to set up or expand their operations in India. The Uttar Pradesh government, too, has been proactive in framing tailormade policies providing fiscal subsidies and incentives to various units looking to establish or expand their operations in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
The incentives that are offered by the various Governmental agencies can be substantial. Proper availment of these incentives can help the new units sustain, survive and prosper. It is no secret that a growing business needs maximum resources and funds. A helping hand from the Government goes a lot way in easing the financial burden on such units, and may create strategic cost advantages for them.

The government incentive policies are constantly subjected to modifications and updations. Often, businessmen are not aware about such incentives or their eligibility for them, and hence fail to obtain maximum leverage from those policies.
Also, relevant Government authorities have prescribed various approvals and licences that need to be obtained at different stages of setting up a unit. Promoters may find difficult to obtain such approvals without technical assistance. This leaves them vulnerable to the risk of adverse governmental action and penalties.
We, at MAC, provide a holistic guidance to help the promoters enjoy the various fiscal subsidies and incentives available to them, and assist in obtaining approvals and licences from the concerned Government authorities.
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0522-3558861, +91-9415152113
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